Reviews and information on all the dog friendly places we have been during our camping trips and adventures. Including campsites, holiday parks, days out, parks, beaches, restaurants, pubs and cafes.
... Like any year 2014 has had its up and downs, its pawsome days and its sad days, its been filled with fun and zooming and snoozing and nomming and lots of luffs. So here we shall look back at some of the things we got up to in 2014.
Well the start of the year was a wet and windy one here in Devon and as most of you would of heard our railway line fell down and was washed in to the sea. Unfortunately my hooman girl duz live in one of the flats that stand on the road that was washed away and so she came home to stay with me for a couple of weeks and then she went and stayed in a caravan in a local holiday park until she was allowed to move back in to the flat once the important hoomans were more convinced it wasn't going to fall down and she got some electricity back. Alot of our friends were very helpy and sended money and clothes and things so that hooman girl and her neighbours could have some clean clothes and food and things and dat wuz soopa nice and makes us happy, These are some foto's from when the road fell down in February!
I got to attend a few southwest sighthound walkies with friends and got to watch some playful lurchers zoom and wrestle; I even tried to join in occasionally. I made new friends and got to spend time with some old friends and checked out a new dog friendly cafe/pub.
Me and my friends the Vincent Hounds went to a doggy show ; well we went to a few actually but at this one in particular we had a really nice time. Me and Georgie entered two classes for similar doggies and got placed in both, I won a rosette for veteran and Shadie got placed 2nd in his class too.
Sadly a few days after this show Shadie made his journey to Rainbow Bridge after being poorly for a long time. here's the tribute video we made for him.<3
I had a very wet walkies with my pointy nosed friends in Goodrington - it was soopa soopa fun with lots of bitey face and zoomies.
We went up to Newmarket for the RGT Greyhound extravaganza and had a really soopa day, we saw friends, entered the show, did some shopping and tried some foods from the stalls. It was a reeeeeally long way to travel for the day but it was worth it to say I've been to the extravaganza and to see so many luffly friends. My friends Orla and Dixie are real life littlemates and they entered best pair and came 1st so they got to go in BIS and .... they won!!!! :)
I had a little birthday party with some friends; we went to a dog friendly pub and the hoomans had dinner and we had cake and my friends brought me presents and we shared treats and fusses.
I had to go visit my dogtors quite a few times this year as I am now 13 years old and I have a growing list of medical issues. I was feeling very old, slow and in pain by the autumn this year, I couldn't walk far and when I did walk I did it really slowly. I couldn't zoom or bounce any more even when I really wanted to play. We went to talk to the dogtor and see if we could get some medicines to make me less owey. Whilst I was at the dogtors we talked about some other issues, my breathing, my eyes and some wee wee issues. So below is what I have everyday now to help me feel less old. I take 2g of Seraquin to help keep my joints healthy, 40mg of Onsior (Robenacoxib) its an NSAID , it stops my legs and hips and wrists hurting so much so I can run and play. 1 scoop of "hold-it" to help stop me doing wee-wee's in my sleep and I have 1-2 drops of artificial tears 2-3 times a day to help my dry eyes. The dogtor thinks I have Larangyl Paralysis which we have thought for a long time any way but we have decided not to formally diagnose or treat it as it would involve anaesthetic and surgery and pain and at the moment it isn't causing me much trouble, I still cough and wheeze and I do sometimes choke and need help to not choke so I need be watched when I have food or treats but *paws crossed* I'm doing OK. I had blood tests taken from my arm and they listened to my heart and lungs and poked and prodded at my tummy and took my temperature so I had a full MOT and they all came back clear so I dont have any underlying illnesses like cancer or kidney disease but I need to have 6 monthly blood tests now to keep an eye on my kidneys and liver because of my medicines can affect that. So I need collect my pawket money up so I can afford to pay for my tablets and tests.
After my visits to the dogtors and starting my new medicine I took my legs for a test run.
As you can see the medicine is helping me get my bouncing legs back on (This was 4 days after starting my medicine.) I also did a spot of squirrel spotting / stalking at Stover.
I have managed to squeeze in a few dog show classes this year too and managed to add to my rosette collection.
We visited some new dog friendly pubs and cafe's - our new favourite is The Ship in Weymouth.
We went on a 2 week tour of UK, 1st we went to woofstockuk, then to Southampton, Then to Nottingham for GGG and then we went to Weymouth. It was soopa fun but soopa hexorsting. We camped with other pointy noses in Nottingham and I won a rosette at GGG. Woofstock was my 1st festival/concert and I enjoyed listening to some moosic wiff mine hoomans.
I even did a spot of swimming ...
I took part in Dogs Unite - a sponsored walk for guide dogs and we walked 5 miles. Thank Dog fur mine new medicine. We raised 140 pounds ;)
Unfortunately some of my good friends have had to go to rainbow bridge this year and I miss them lots but I also have met new friends; although they dont replace my friends now at the bridge they are becoming greyt friends themselves.
There's been so many memories to talk about I cant cover them all but I look forward to many more soopa memories to complete 2014 and in to 2015 too.
Here's me with my friends and are hoomans recently at a pre-Christmas walkies and lunch in Stroud, Here you can see some of my newest friends. Bella the lurcher in the orange bandanna on the left of the picture and Teddie the black greyhound just behind her and the over on the right next to me is Lucy the moo greyhound who is Elfie's new sisfur.
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