Hi fwends.
As some of you will know I did do taking part in the 1000 Greyhounds Guinness World Record Attempt and Sponsored Walk at Escot Park on 9th September 2012 organised by The Greyhound Sanctuary . As part of the event we were asked to collect sponsorship for our favourite animal care charities.
I decided to split my sponsors between The Greyhound Sanctuary (the organisers of the event) who are a small Devon based Greyhound rehoming charity and The PDSA who have helped me with various injuries to my feet (I just cant seem to control them and they get baddies - especially when I chase squirrels up trees) and they also did major dental work for me where I had almost all my teefs out (except my 4 canine fangs).
I set a target of £100 to split 50/50 between the 2 charities. At the final count of pennies we raised *drum roll* £208 in donations/sponsorship
Plus ...
I haff been selling mine bookies to get more monies fur da world record attempt and I made another £205 from the bookies.
Totalling.... £413 all together what we did splitting 50/50 between the 2 charities. £210 each (orlmost, not quite. maths not my strong point!)
You can still get the booky from the link below
Thank You to everyone who sponsored me to do the walk and bought mine booky. (me and my chosen charities appreciate it soopa much)
Thank You to The Greyhound Sanctuary and everyone involved in the organisation I had a soopa day.
So on to 2013 - The Greyhound Sanctuary have decided they want to re-organise the event in 2013 to include ALL sighthounds - That's greyhounds, lurchers, Italian Greyhounds (Iggys), Salukis, Whippets, Galgos. All pointy noses fwends. - The event will be at Escot park again and will be held on Sunday 8th September.
This years event; as well as including all sighthounds will also have a dog show, a sponsored walk plus trade and charity stalls.
For more info on the event please visit the official website
Of course I am planning on attending this GREYT event and shall be collecting sponsorship and raising funds for charity again.
This year Camping and Exploring with Dogs have chosen to raise funds for Darcy's Legacy and Teignmouth RNLI (not just for this event, all year long!)
To donate/sponsor me please click the donate button below and follow instructions on screen.