Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Mini Cartoon Cat Greyhound

So if you follow our page on facebook you would of already seen this but our friends Mollie and Alfie make some pawsome personalised items such as ornaments and drawings and necklaces and keychains and our other friend Gizmo is always talking about the cool things he's got from them so I went ahead and ordered a cartoon me ornament. Mollie did emailing me back and asked fur some photos of mahself so her could plan what to make me look like.

A few days later I got another email telling me I was being boxed up and was on my way - soopa!!!

Then a box did arriving (The postie left it outside the house!) Inside was ....


Here's the back of me so you can see too

I really like my mini cartoon me and I think I will get a mini Eddie Roo made too and we can sit on hooman girls bedside table or some where her can admire us! 

You can see their full range of products on their website  just tell them Cat Greyhound sent you!!

Thanks Mollie and Alfie xxxx

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