I did intervoo a twitter fwend of mine called Harry what duz orlso be an orfur of a booky :)
What is yoo?
I is a dog of course *rolls eyes* I is an English Springer Spaniel.
I is 2 years and 11 months in dog years so dat is nearly 21 hooman years! Oh my dog I is old hoomin Bol Bol
Hoo duz yoo liff wiv?
Where duz yoo liff?
Where is yoor favorite place to visit?
I wuv da beach it is pawsome.
Why duz yoo like it?
Do yoo haff any best fwends?
Duz yoo haff a faborite toy?
What do yoo eat (for your main noms)?
Duz yoo haff a faborite treat? And what do yoo like about it?
Is there any noms yoo DONT like or cant eat?
I hear yoo write like me and have a booky? Tell us about it!
I has pawed a book. I s a pawthor! It is called "help my dog's on Twitter" it is about my time on twitter and life in general. It is a funny book and has intervoos wiv some of me pals. It also acts as a Twitter guide. It has sold all ofur de wurld and is de furst in a series of books by me.
Do yoo get recognised in the street yet?
Yap I does which is pawsome.
Are you on any other social media sites ova dan twitter?
I is on facebook and I as me own blog too spanielharry.wordpress.com
Anyfink else yoo want tell us?
Yap buy me book on Amazon or Twitter Bol follow me on twitter and read me blog oh and have fun oh and I wuv summer vewy vewy vewy much. Oh and if anyone out der is a literary agent or knows one can dey wecommend me as I fink I need one Bol Bol Bol
Fanks fur intervooing me dat was fun xxxx
Thanks Harry :)
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