Saturday, 23 March 2013

The Greyt Charity Dog Meet and Fun Dog Show - What happened?

So as you all know we have been organising the Greyt Charity Dog Meet for some months now (seems like fureva!) and as the date creeped closer and closer we got more and more paniked especially in the last week when all it has done is rain and rain and rain and rain... *sigh* 

Any way, last night after endless rain and the area flooding and having landslips and fallen trees we had 7 voice messages, 105 facebook notifications, and 12 emails ranging from "I cant make it because.." and "will the event be cancelled" 

Any way.. we REFUSED to cancel the event. A bit (ok a lot) of rain doesn't put us off. and so at 0730 this morning mayhem ensued at our house with boxes being moved around and put in the car and then I was bundled in with them all as well and we drove down the road and in to a big gate, and then we had unpack orl the boxes and then lots other hoomans turned up with their boxes and unpacked dem too! 

Once everyone was done unpacking (well before actually) more hoomans arrived with lots of different dogs in all sorts of shapes and sizes and colours. 
They all did some shopping, buying treats and jams and soaps and cakes and things and then at 12:00 we started the doggy show. 

There was 14 classes 

  1. Best Pedigree – Sponsored by Mick Greyhound
  2. Best Cross Breed – Sponsored by Piccolo Pizza Co
  3. Best Puppy (under 2 years) – Sponsored by Pet Portraits by Karen
  4. Best Veteran (over 7) – Sponsored in memory of Mr. Philip Baker
  5. Best Rescue – Sponsored by The Butlers
  6. Best Condition – Sponsored by DeMontfort Delights
  7. Most Handsome Dog – Sponsored by Mick Greyhound
  8. Prettiest Bitch – Sponsored by Mick Greyhound
  9. Best Greyhound – Sponsored by Mick Greyhound
  10. Best Moo Dog – Sponsored in memory of Mrs Josie Baker
  11. Most Appealing eyes – Sponsored by Zak and Holly Greyhound
  12. Waggiest Tail – Sponsored by Piccolo Pizza Co
  13. Fancy Dress – Sponsored by Bear Boating
  14. Best 6 Legs – Sponsored by Milgi Coats

    Best in Show – Sponsored by Black Tor Enterprises

Gin in the ring

Holly in fancy dress (she's the easter bunny)

Muffin best puppy
Dennis winner of fancy dress
Star winner of best moo dog
We did having lots and lots of samples to give away coz we had got soopa lots of donations from pawsome companies and we sold some of my new bookys (and some of my old ones too!) I met soopa lots of my fwends some who had come miles and miles just to come to my event :) 
Me wiff Rolo


Minnie and Bobsta




Maisie Moo

I got soopa lots fusses as well 
Me with Brans Hairy hooman

Me wiff Kathryn from Milgi Coats
After the dog show we had to shout numbers out to win prizes for the raffle 

Announcing raffle winners. 

Then there was lots of clearning up to do and packing away - I was quite norty whilst everyone wuz busy I made a break fur it and ran around the hotel grounds and hooman girl had chase me coz I wouldn't recall. ooops!!

Any way - we did adding up the numbers when we got home and this is how we did 

Raffle - £40
Stall - £46.30
Sample donations - £32.82 
Dog show - £212

which makes somewhere in the region of £ 331.12 - we still have to add the money from stall holders and the left over money from the auction earlier in the year to this total as well so I think we did soopa and our 2 charities will be soopa pleased with the money we have for them.

edit: we have now counted and added all the money together and Our event raised in total (after costs) £704.82 

£498 will go to Darcy's Legacy in memory of Darcy the Deerhound and research in to canine osteosarcoma and £326 will go to Teignmouth RNLI to help them save some more lives on my beach. 

The winners of the dog show was 

Pedigree - Missy

Cross breed - Milly
Puppy - Muffin
Best Veteran - Roxy
Best Rescue - Florance
Best Condition - Monty
Hansomest dog - Max
Prettiest bitch - Poppy
Best Greyhound - Tom
Best Moo Dog - Star
Most Appealing eyes - Bunny
Waggiest Tail - Milly
Fancy Dress - Dennis
Best 6 Legs - Meila 

Best in Show - Milly

Thank You's ...
  • Sandy Tipton for judging 
  • Kim Hall for stewarding and all your advice in the run up to the event
  • The Cliffden Hotel for allowing us to hire the venue and take over for the day
  • The 2 hooman puppies Ellis and Henry for helping us on the day with the stall and the dog show 
  • Cobbydog for sponsoring the Greyt charity dog meet fun dog show
Thanks for all the donations -
  • Fish 4 dogs 
  • Harringtons
  • Arden Grange
  • Milgi Coats - for your donations,class sponsorship and coming along on the day
  • Stagbar
  • Burns
  • KONG 
  • James Wellbeloved
  • Rhodes to Safety
  • Dog DoLittle
  • The Good Dog Guide
  • Crafty little sew and so
  • Di-namic designs
  • Whippety doo dah

To the Stall Holders who did join us on the day 

  • Pet portraits by Karen
  • Blacktor Enterprises 
  • Scruples whippet rescue
  • Emma's Eats
  • Derek's collectables
  • Alices Pantry 
  • Lilac Lady
  • Milgi Coats
  • The Greyhound Sanctuary
  • DeMontfort Delights 
  • RNLI Teignmouth
  • Truley Treats
  • Piccolo Pizza
  • Noodle Pie Designs
  • RSPCA Little Valley 

The Sponsors of the dog show
  • Mick Greyhound
  • Piccolo Pizza Co
  • Pet Portraits by Karen
  • in memory of Mr. Philip Baker
  • The Butlers
  • DeMontfort Delights
  • in memory of Mrs Josie Baker
  • Zak and Holly Greyhound
  • Bear Boating
  • Milgi Coats
  • Black Tor Enterprises

And of course to everyone who attended on the day, donated money or items, helped us with promotion for the event and supported us through the whole process!!! 

So anyone for another? 


  1. Wow it looks like a FAB day, and what luffly looking hounds! - well done to all of you for raising so much money for the good causes. Woofy, Noodle and Binky hope you stage another event like this so we can come along next time (please!)

  2. Congratulations! Such a great achievement, and it looks like you had a fab time! I'm so glad the weather didn't put everyone off :)

    Rachael & Del xxx

  3. So pleased you went ahead despite the weather. Looks like a fantastic day!

  4. You can definitely count on me for the next Greyt charity event with my family and Lab in toe it really was a FABULOUS day out, despite the weather, delighted you didn’t cancel the event at the last minute with a good turnout and successful day in raising all that money. Keep up the good work, Thankfully, we where there too enjoyed all the activities and friendly atmosphere that everyone took pleasure in.


  5. Bit late in commenting but that looked so much fun xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie
