Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Red House Farm Camping - PO20 7JG

On Tuesday morning we packed up and left Higher Moor Farm  in Dorset and headed for Red House Farm   in west sussex! It was quite a soopa easy route and didnt take long at all (about 1.5 hrs)

Check in wasnt until 2pm so we stopped fur lunch at "The Lamb" and then went for a (wet) walkies with Uncool Robin, Lulu and Murphy, we orl did sniffings the field and Murphy did bouncing and shouting (hims a puppy still) and then me and lulu went back to the house where I snoozed and my hooman girl gave Lulu soopa lots fusses and hugs. We orl talked about my 1st luff Malcolm who recently went to rainbow bridge (he was uncool Robins boy) and then it was time to head back to the farm to pitch the tent.

On arrival at Red House Farm there was no one at the office , a sign said to ring the doorbell round the side the shed or call on the phone (we did both to make soopa shur we would be discovered). The lady wasnt home but called back and said to go ahead and set up and gave us a recommendation on which would be best pitch to choose (33 she said).

I had lunch in the car (did I mention it had been raining since the morning and still was?) whilst hooman girl unloaded everything. A little bit later the lady came back with her 2 hyper but lovely dogs (think they black labs) her ever so nicely helped us pitch the tent coz it wasnt doing what it spose to do (like stand up or bend in the right places) and then her went back to dry off whilst hooman girl did the rest the pitching and I soopervised from in the car.

Eventually the tent was ready and we went in, dried off and I put my PJ's on and got in to bed coz I was wet and cold; then hooman girl got her dry clothes on and joined me. We stayed there until morning except fur wees and re-securing bits of the tent a few times.

Wednesday the sun was out when we came home from an adventure with Elfie and Co so we sat outside and checked out the site.

Ladies toilets

The shower cubicle
Enjoying a sunnier moment on the farm
Red House Farm is £17 a night per unit for non EHU (a unit including up to 4 hoomans) or £19 a unit for carvans/motorhomes/EHU.

Red House Farm Camping Site
Bookers Lane
West Sussex
PO20 7JG
01243 512959

1 comment:

  1. Hope you've managed to dry off Cat. Mummy keeps forgetting to wear her wellies on our walkies and has been going to work in wet shoes and socks - stinky BOL
