Thursday 20 June 2013

The Versatile Blogger

Soopa news when I logged on this morning my good fwend Misaki (The misadventures of Misaki) had nominated myself and this bloggy for "the versatile blogger" award. 

Thanks Misaki! I have never had a blogging award before. 

Now I had to have a quick check of the rules of this award as I never had one before.

Here they are :- 

  • Add The Versatile Blogger award photo on a blog post.
  • Thank the person who presented you with the award and link back to him or her in your post. 
  • Pass the award along to some favorite bloggers. Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.
  • Share Seven Things About Yourself
Ok so I have added the photo and thanked Misaki for mine nomination above so moving on to my 7 things about me *thinks* 

  1. I'm a retired racing greyhound that raced in both Ireland and England 
  2. I've had 8 puppies (before I was adopted!) 
  3. My nickname is "Munchkin" or "Moo" 
  4. I LOVE Harringtons training treats with a passion 
  5. I get soopa hexcited when ever I am in the car coz it means ADVENTURES!!! 
  6. I was diagnosed with a pathological anxiety disorder (I bet not many dogs have that!) 
  7. I like to tease black lurchers (luckily most of them are good sports!) because they remind me of my sisfur we fostered last year and she always took the bait when I danced at her. 
Ok so for my nominations (This is hard!) 

  • Davids Best Mate  - he doesn't update soopa often (he's a busy hound) but he is always funny and he's got gorgeous brindles (follow him on facebook too)
  • Declan's Dog Blog - Deccy is always interesting as he tells us all about what he's been up to in his day to day life like walkies, visiting Ganny, eating seatbelts (BOL) and his love hate relationship with KC the cat! 
  • Joey and Scout - Two greyhound town - These guys are quite interesting. They are 2 american hounds who are travelling across USA in an RV it looks soopa fun and I'd of quite liked to of done that (in UK) myself!
  • Basil's Blog - Basil is the face of Harringtons pet food. He is a scrummy little dude (as is his noms!) and he writes a blog too which is soopa informative. :) 


  1. Sooper! Thank you very much Cat. Deccy x

  2. Thank you! We have not been to your blog before today. It is nice to meet you!

  3. Condogulations "Moo" (glad I'm not the only one with a silly nickname) it's a well-deserved award...Misaki made a good choice

    1. well it not that silly , not as silly as say a dog being called cat *rolls eyes* you know moo as in cow, i look like a cow coz if mine colours *nods* :)

  4. I'm glad you like it Cat, you sure deserve it:-)
